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Hey, I liked the tense atmosphere that this game created, and I maybe in the minority here, but I also liked the fact that you can't strafe sideways in this game. Restricting the player's movement makes it feel like you have less control over what happens in the game, so it made me much more scared to turn corners. Also, I liked the descriptions that all the items had. However, I found that searching for items you were supposed to find was a bit difficult and frustrating, as there were no hints to where you should be looking. Great game!

Thanks for your feedback! Yes, the objective of removing strafing from the game was supposed to take control away from the player. Glad you caught on to that! Thank you for playing.

(2 edits)

Great game honestly, some would say this is a simple and unpolished game, and I would agree. However, I do myself whish to make horror games and find the road to your level long and hard, so respect none the less. Despite the low quality, the scares are very effective, which is the essential part of a horror game. The fear made me to peak around the corners in fear of being discovered, which indicates that you have made a great atmosphere and mood. The tension is very great indeed. I expect great games from you in the future, keep up the good work! If you need specific feedback, just text me, I would love to share some of the experiences I have had and needs that I have had when playing horror games. I am no expert, but I have played quite a few by now.

Edit: Oh and yeah, I would be nice to be able to walk sideways, as it is hard to use the peeking mechanic when you have to walk straight forward to adjust your vision.

Second Edit: Link to reuploaded vidio with audio. 

Thanks so much for playing! Yes, with high school just around the corner, I was kind of stressed about it while making this game and that may be why it seems unpolished. I watched the video, thanks for the great feedback! I may have mentioned that I'm trying to make a sequel to this game that fixes some of the problems. I'll definitely add strafing sideways to the game (I was trying to make the player feel helpless and hoped that it would make the player a bit more tense, but I guess I should have thought about it some more). Anyway, nice video and thanks so much!   :)

I'm not gonna lie.. I was pretty frustrated with some parts of this game. But it was satisfying to beat it, so I think I liked it..? Haha, nice job. Pretty tough.


Oh wow.... I've never had somebody post a video of my game before. Thank you so much for taking the time to play this game! Now that I think about it... yeah, some parts might've been more frustrating than scary. Sorry about that. But hey, like I said in the description, the game might receive a short sequel sometime in the future. I'll try to fix these kinds of things in the sequel. Again, thank you so much for playing the game!   :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello, it's me again. I noted down some of the things you said were frustrating in the game. I decided that I'll try to fix them all in the sequel. Once again, thank you for your review and video, it helped me learn so much about what people would and wouldn't like about the game. (Oh, and I'll definitely add strafing. I wanted give the player a feeling of helplessness, but it obviously didn't work haha.)     :)

It's all good! Honestly, you did a good job with the game. I just get a little crazy sometimes when I'm gaming late at night haha. I'm probably one of the most brutal critics for indie games. The more i think about it, i start realizing that it's pretty good. It was definitely frustrating at times but that's not necessarily bad because then it provokes people to show some emotion, even if it's anger. The frustration was also like a challenge, like the game was saying "i dare you to beat this." It was a satisfying win for sure. Its kinda like being in a fight. During the fight you hate that person but afterwards you realize they're kinda cool and end up having drinks with them haha. I hope my rambling makes sense haha. I'll definitely play a sequel. 


Thank you!    :)